Submission Guidelines
The Journal of Christian Education and Catechesis welcomes unsolicited manuscript submissions. Only finished and previously unpublished material will be considered for publication. All subjects pertaining to Christian Education and Catechesis are welcome.
Preparing Files for Submission:
- Word documents only
- Font Times New Roman size 12 font
- The Journal reserves the right to make changes to the title of the article
Article Body Formatting:
- One space after all punctuation, including periods.
- All quotations longer than three lines should be formatted as block quotations by using the “increase indent” right arrow in Word. Do not use quotations marks around the block quotation.
- Article sections titles are not required. If used the section titles should use the “Heading 2” style.
- Citations, with the exception of Scriptural quotations, should be formatted as endnotes and not footnotes, using Arabic numerals rather than Roman numerals).
- Ecclesial documents (Papal, Conciliar, Catechism of the Catholic Church) should be cited using section/paragraph numbers, denoted by the symbol §
- Scripture quotations should be in parentheses after the passage in the body of the document rather than in footnotes.
- Footnote formatting should follow The Chicago Manual of Style.
Author Profile Materials:
- Headshot (.jpg only, 700 pixels wide minimum) to be submitted through the online form as .jpg.
- One- to three-sentence biographical byline should be sent, which can include hyperlinks to personal websites, affiliations and publications. Author byline submitted in the online form.
Submission Categories:
- Essays: 2,500 to 4,000 words
- Articles: 1,000 to 2,000 words
- The Journal of Christian Education and Catechesis welcomes review articles of books, textbooks, and curricula.
- Length: reviews should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words.
- Book reviews should include the information of the book in the following format:
Author name, Title of the Book. City: Publisher, Month Year of Publication. # of pages. Price. Cover (Paperback or Hardcover). ISBN #
C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity. San Francisco: Harper, March 2009. 227 pages. $22.49. Paperback. ISBN 9780060652883
File Submission:
Original works should be submitted as a Word doc. using the online form.